STEM Awards
Sophomores, Juniors, Non-graduating Seniors
AMGEN Scholars Program (US)
Summer research program for STEM students at 13 premier educational institutions throughout the US.
Sophomores, Juniors
Summer research internships in STEM fields at German universities and research institutes for students from North America, the UK, and Ireland.
![Foreign Affairs](
FAIT (Foreign Affairs Information Technology) Fellowship
A fellowship to fund students for two years in IT-related fields who want a career in the Foreign Service as an Information Management Specialist. This two-year award includes two paid summer internships (one in Washington DC and one abroad). Applications from members of historically underrepresented groups in Foreign Service careers are encouraged.
All Years (women only)
Brooke Owens Fellowship
For undergraduate women and gender-minority students in Aerospace. Students are matched with a paid summer internship at a leading aerospace company and receive professional development from senior and executive level mentors.
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NOAA Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship
For STEM students who are studying in NOAA-related fields.
![M Isakowitz](
Juniors, Seniors, Graduate Students
Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship
A commercial spaceflight internship, mentorship, and networking program for exceptional students passionate about exploring space.
All Years
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship
For under-represented and minority students in STEM fields who want real-world research experience at the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy.
All Years
NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Scholarships for students with exceptional financial need who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.
All Years
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates
Fully funded research opportunities for undergraduates at REU sites around the U.S. Ten or so undergraduates work for the summer in research programs at host institutions.
All years
American Bar Foundation Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship
For students from diverse backgrounds to learn about the rewards and demands of research-oriented careers in the fields of law and social science.
Public Policy / International Affairs Awards
![PPIA-40th-Crest-03-300x263 (1)](
PPIA Junior Summer Institute
A rigorous academic program including preparation for graduate school for juniors committed to public service careers. The program is meant to address the lack of diversity across the spectrum of professional public service, including government, non-profits, public policy institutions, and international organizations.
Sophomores, Juniors
Rangel Undergraduate International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program
Program provides undergraduates with the opportunity to enhance their skills, knowledge, and understanding of US foreign policy during a six-week summer program based at Howard University.
Environmental / Sustainability Awards
All years
Millennium Fellowship
Apply as part of a cohort of Georgia Tech students and participate in a leadership development program on campus. Develop a plan of action for campus-wide sustainability initiatives.
International Experiences
Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) Program
Provides one year of funding in Germany to cover two months of intensive German language study, one semester of classes in any academic field at a German university or school, and a three-month internship in your field.
Watanabe Study Abroad Scholarship
Summer Experiences
Fulbright Canada Mitacs Globalink
Provides students with the opportunity to pursue advanced research projects in all academic disciplines at universities throughout Canada.
All Years, Recent Graduates
Humanity in Action Fellowship
Fellowship brings together international groups of undergraduates and recent graduates to explore national histories of discrimination and resistance, as well as issues affecting different minority groups today.
Social Science Awards